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Transmission Repair: When to Bring Your Car in

A vehicle’s transmission is a complex gearbox that makes sure your engine is spinning at the correct rate for speeding up or slowing down. This system prevents the engine from getting overloaded and reduces fuel consumption while still getting enough power. One of the many services Auto Works offers is transmission repair and replacement, but […]

Oil Changes: Why so important?

If you own a vehicle, oil changes are something you’re used to getting every few months. You know it’s important for your engine to run smoothly, but what does an oil change actually do? Engine Lubrication In an engine, there are many moving parts that work at a high speed. This causes friction, and if […]

Tie Rods: When They Should Be Checked

There are few vehicle functions more important than steering. Whenever you utilize your steering wheel, you are also engaging the tie rods on your vehicle. In a typical car, tie rods attach the steering gear to the steering knuckle and are also a critical component to your vehicle’s suspension. Because of tie rods’ importance to […]

Summer Vehicle Tune-Up

With warm weather upon us, summer’s high temperatures can take a toll on everyone and everything—including your vehicle. Seasonal car care varies greatly, and it is important to recognize what your car needs in differing conditions. A summer tune-up is beneficial for not only recognizing any potential existing issues, but also providing peace of mind […]

Fluids That Keep Your Vehicle Running Smoothly

In order to keep your vehicle running smoothly, regular maintenance and routine check-ups are key. While typically a vehicle’s tires, brakes, and transmission steal all the attention, fluids are a key player in the health and longevity of your car. Keeping these fluids fresh and at optimal levels is important to maintain a well-running vehicle. […]

The Noises You Don’t Want to Hear: Clunking, Knocking and Rattling

Even though you may be keeping up with your routine maintenance service, problems happen. When you start hearing knocking or rattles that aren’t normal, it is typically a sign that something is wrong and it is time to bring in your vehicle for repair. Clunking, knocking or rattling noises are clues into car troubles no […]

Bad Ball Joints and Your Safety

Ball joints are a critical part to a car’s suspension and steering systems. Ball joints are designed specifically to keep your vehicle’s tires flat on the road as your suspension moves with the ups and downs of the terrain. Even though ball joints last a long time, eventually they do wear-out and could begin to […]

How To Get Better Gas Mileage

Saving a few dollars each month is something most of us strive to do and improving your gas mileage is a great place to start. We hope you find the tips and tricks below helpful in your efforts. Helpful Tips Involving Maintenance: Most of our helpful tips involve staying current with your regular maintenance plan. […]

Warm Air Coming from Your Car’s AC?

A vehicle’s air conditioning system becomes less effective over time, and one day, you are probably going to go turn the knob and warm air will blow out of your vents. Low refrigerant. If you notice you have warm air gushing from your vents, it could be caused by low refrigerant in your vehicle. You […]