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Our Auto Blog

What to do if Your Car Won’t Start in the Winter

Winter weather can be tough on your car, and one of the most common problems is a stalled car or...

Auto Works Foreign Auto Repair Services

Finding a trusted shop other than the dealership to work on your foreign vehicle can take time and effort. Luckily,...

Why You Don’t Need to Let Your Car Warm up in Winter

For several years, we’ve been hearing experts say to let your vehicle warm up before driving it in cold temperatures....

5 Common Car Issues in Winter

Vehicles often have trouble operating in extremely low temperatures and have to work harder to run well, which is unfortunately...

The Benefits of Choosing Auto Works for Your Vehicle Needs 

There’s no shortage of auto service shops around the Twin Cities, so when doing your research, it can be difficult...

Why Checking Your Tire Pressure is Important in Winter 

It’s no secret that winter can be tough on your vehicle, so it’s important to keep up with maintenance tasks...

Ways to Improve Your Vehicle’s Performance

A car is no small purchase, so you want to get the most out of it and extend its lifespan....

The Benefits of Winter Tires

Living in Minnesota means dealing with long and freezing winters, causing many drivers anxiety about driving in harsh conditions. We’ve...

Common Car Noises & What They Mean

It’s a common occurrence: you’re driving your car and suddenly you hear an unfamiliar noise. Identifying which car sounds are...